
Find out who we are and why we do this.

This fundraiser is organized by volunteer members from the Oshkosh Rotary Club, with support from the Rotary Club of Oshkosh Southwest’s evening Oshkosh on the Water satellite group.

Rotarians are "People of Action". Rotary is where neighbors, friends, and problem-solvers share ideas, join as leaders, and take action to create lasting change. 

The Oshkosh Rotary Club, founded in 1917, has a proud tradition of service and leadership. Serving the community, vocations and the world, the club's 70 members live the Rotary motto: Service Above Self. The club meets Monday’s during the lunch hour.

In recent years, funds raised through the club have supported organizations and community needs such as the The Oshkosh Farmers’ Market’s new signage, the Day By Day Warming Shelter; and the Oshkosh Area United Way annual campaign and campaign kickoff event.

The Rotary Club of Oshkosh on the Water is an evening satellite club of Oshkosh Rotary Southwest. The smaller, evening club meets monthly for networking, holds monthly service projects, coordinates with the traditional lunch-time clubs, and focuses on supporting our local community. If you are interested in this club, please reach out via Facebook.

A Selection of Club Service Projects

  • Support the Oshkosh Area Community Pantry through a Shared Harvest booth, a local Rotary program to collect donated, fresh produce during the Farmers’ Market.

  • Learn and grow with our Partners at Learning school (PALs), Jefferson Elementary School, supporting students and their community involvement.

  • Build beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace and help fulfill their mission so no kid sleeps on a floor.

  • Prepare and serve meals at the Day by Day Warming Shelter.

  • Work concessions, parking lots, and entrances at Waterfest to raise funds for scholarships and Rotary projects.

  • Ring bells for the Salvation Army’s "Red Kettle" campaign at holiday time .

  • Coordinate an EAA housing program to provide housing for visiting Rotarians and their guests during EAA's AirVenture.